
A department or program review provides an occasion to re-examine learning goals 和 course offerings, 确定项目的优势和劣势, 设想课程的未来形态, 明确目标和期望, 然后考虑智力的含义, 技术, 以及一个学科的教学发展.

A department or program review provides an occasion to reexamine learning goals 和 course offerings, 确定项目的优势和劣势, 设想课程的未来形态, 明确目标和期望, 和 consider developments in the discipline of all kinds, 包括, 例如, 对多样性需求的回应, 股本, 包容和智力, 技术, 以及教学的发展. One of the central values of the review process comes from extended, collective reflection among all department/program colleagues[1] that results in a self-study, which is shared with an external consulting committee of reviewers. 尊敬相关领域的同事, 包括 those aligned with efforts to diversify the discipline, are invited by the associate dean for academic affairs to serve on the review committee 和 support the department/ program in the review. 而不是作为一个评估机构, review committees are requested to act as consultants to the department/program 和 the deans, 提供批判性和同理心的建议. The reviewers read materials provided by the department/program 和 meet with faculty, 学生, 和 administrators during a two- or three-day campus visit. 通常, reviews of academic departments 和 programs are conducted approximately every ten years; the specific timing is arranged by the Office of the Dean for 学术事务 in collaboration with the department/program.

The process begins approximately one year prior to the anticipated review team visit, 和副院长, 系主任/项目主任, 和 academic department coordinator meeting to determine the desired semester for review as well as to outline the process 和 specific schedule for the review. The 椅子/主任 subsequently meets with all members of the department/program to discuss their overall goals for the review.

The associate dean will ask the department/program to recommend colleagues from other institutions to be considered for the external review committee. This list should include those with expertise in relevant fields within the discipline along with demonstrated experience in a distinguished academic setting. 正常情况下, the review committee consists of three members 和 includes tenured faculty from liberal arts colleges 和 larger research universities who have attained some prominence in their discipline 和 who, 在一起, represent a variety of disciplinary orientations 和 viewpoints. The list of proposed reviewers should include scholars who are engaged in the work of compositional, 课程, 和/or pedagogical diversity in their departments 和/or fields. The review committee is formally appointed by the dean for academic affairs. Details of their campus visit 和 the itinerary of meetings will be arranged by the Office of the Dean for 学术事务 in coordination with the department/program.

[1] The 椅子/主任 will consult 和副院长 about which faculty members will be involved in the external review process.