
在2025年夏天, the Biological Sciences will offer summer fellowship opportunities to support student research with a faculty mentor.

暑期研究奖学金: The Office of Student Fellowships and Research is an essential resource for students interested in pursuing research during their undergraduate years or seeking nationally competitive fellowships.  Their goal is to further student academic endeavors by connecting worthy students to merit-based opportunities, 鼓励自我发展, and to make the application process a worthwhile learning experience.  For a complete list of Summer Institutional Research Fellowship opportunities, please click 在这里.

生物科学研究金:  奖学金可能包括:生命科学奖学金, INBRE Fellowships {Maine IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence}, Bowdoin Scientific Station (BSS) Fellowships and Paller Neuroscience Research Fellowships.  更多细节见下文.  

买球平台科学站(BSS)奖学金: Fellowships are available to support summer research at the College's biological research station on 肯特岛, 在加拿大芬迪湾. BSS Fellowships support field studies in a variety of disciplines (e.g., biology/ecology, geology, oceanography, and chemistry). It is expected that research conducted with BSS Fellowship support will culminate in an Advanced Independent Study or Honors in one of the natural sciences or in Environmental Studies. BSS暑期奖学金项目为期8周. A stipend, plus transportation, meals, and lodging at 肯特岛 are provided. A parallel fellowship program at BSS is offered for the arts and humanities. Students interested in applying for a fellowship should contact the Director of the 买球平台 Scientific Station on 肯特岛, 帕特里夏·琼斯教授(pjones3@dan48.com). 查看更多买球平台 肯特岛.

买球平台生命科学奖学金: 捐赠给学院的资金将支持8, 9 or 10 week fellowships for students wishing to conduct independent research in the life sciences during the summer.  In addition to students working with faculty in the biological sciences (生物学, 生物化学, 神经科学), students working on biological problem in the physical sciences and mathematics are eligible for these fellowships.  Students will receive a stipend of $590/week (2024) and subsidized college housing, 以及支付研究费用的资金. 校园住房是先到先得的.

INBRE暑期奖学金: An INBRE (IDeA Network for Biomedical Research Excellence) grant from the NIH will support 8, 9 or 10 week fellowships for students wishing to conduct independent summer research addressing biomedical questions, including questions relating to comparative functional genomics.  Students will receive a $590 weekly stipend (2024) and subsidized college housing, 以及支付研究费用的资金. 校园住房是先到先得的.  

INBRE全州暑期奖学金: An INBRE (IDeA Network for Biomedical Research Excellence) grant from the NIH will support 8, 9 or 10 week fellowships for students wishing to conduct independent summer research addressing biomedical questions, particularly questions relating to comparative functional genomics, 在缅因州的任何一个INBRE机构.  Students will receive the campus-wide standard weekly stipend ($590 for 2024)  on-campus housing support, a food stipend or on-campus dining (at some institutions), 以及支付研究费用的资金. On campus housing at Bowdoin is on a first come first served basis. For more information, please visit the INBRE fellowships website:  http://inbre.maineidea.net/student-training/undergraduate-research-fellowships/

INBRE学士后暑期奖学金: Bowdoin will offer a summer fellowship (stipend $590/week in 2024 plus housing on campus) for a graduating senior to continue working on his or her ongoing research project, 目标是在出版方面取得进展, 在毕业后的暑假里呆8-10周.  Because this fellowship is supported by the National Institutes of Health and the Maine INBRE (IDeA Network for Biomedical Research Excellence) program, projects submitted for the fellowship should have some biomedical relevance, with a preference for projects in the general field of comparative functional genomics (broadly defined). On-campus housing will be on a first-come first-serve basis.  

The 生物学 faculty will schedule an informational meeting for information on summer fellowships in the Biological Sciences. 日期待定. 

Students should begin discussing potential projects with 教师的赞助商 早在2025年春季学期.

To apply for a Bowdoin Scientific Station Fellowship, click 在这里.

申请生命科学或INBRE暑期奖学金,使用买球平台学生奖学金 在线申请.  You may request support for project-related expenses of up to $1000; an itemized budget and justification should be submitted by your mentor with their letter of support. (Note: Additional materials are required for Paller Fellowship applications; please see your mentor for details.)


  • 11月底/ 12月初:  Contact faculty to find out about research opportunities for the following summer.
  • 2025年2月18日(中午):学生提交论文的截止日期 第一阶段申请. Once submitted you will receive an automated email with a link to the Phase Two application.
  • 2025年2月25日(中午): Deadline for students to submit the Phase Two application online. Late applications will not be accepted; students should plan accordingly.
  • Applicants who have been selected by the Biological Fellowships Committee will be notified by email by 2025年3月中旬, that they are being offered Biological Science fellowships. 
  • 2025年4月9日 is the deadline for students to accept or decline Biological Summer Fellowships.
  • In 2025年3月底/ 4月初, 如果有资金的话, a second round of awards may be offered to students who did not receive a Fellowship.
Students should make appointments with a member of 生物学, 生物化学, and Neuroscience 教师 to discuss individual requirements when working on a summer research project.